Church Maintenance

Maintenance Manager
Much time and effort is spent in the repair and maintenance of Our Lady of Lourdes complete complex of church, rectory, school, convent and its  surrounding spaces of lawns and parking areas.  The maintenance staff aptly provides this service.  But every parishioner has the responsibility to keep this, their property, clean and beautiful.  If you are aware of any problems or are willing to assist in anyway,  please contact Fr. Jim Ferry ~ 973-325-0110.
Grotto Committee
The Grotto Committee was instrumental in restoring our beautiful grotto.  It continues to maintain it and provide engraved paving blocks for memorial inscriptions. Inquires may be made at rectory 973.325.0110
Altar Linens
Whatever is set aside for use in the liturgy takes on a certain sacred character both by the blessing it receives and the sacred functions it fulfills.  Thus, the cloths used at the altar in the course of the Eucharistic celebration are treated with the care and respect due to those things used in the preparation and celebration of the sacred mysteries.  Special instructions are provided for the cleaning, ironing and upkeep of the altar linens.  If you are interested,  please contact Fr. Jim Ferry ~973-325-0110.
Church Cleaners
Every Saturday morning you will see these busy bees buzzing through the church and, in particular, in the sanctuary and around the altar to make it clean and beautiful for the weekend services.  Volunteers are  always welcomed.  If you are interested,  please contact Fr. Jim Ferry ~973-325-0110.
Chapel Cleaners
Once a month following the 8:30 am Mass, a group of volunteers generously give their time and effort to clean the Chapel.  They also prepare the Chapel with clean linens and seasonal decorations. If you are interested,  please contact Fr. Jim Ferry ~ 973-325-0110.